Penfield Gallery of Indian Arts |
JANUARY 2025 New Additions of Native and Indian Arts, including Zuni Fetishes, Navajo Sandpaintings, Pueblo Pottery, Navajo Pottery, Hopi Pottery, Navajo Rugs, Acoma Seed Pots, Acoma Pueblo Pottery and Plates, Pueblo Storytellers, Northern New Mexico Santos, and Gourd Art.
Angus Ahiyite |
Carolyn Concho |
Dee Edaakie |
Vickie Martinez |
Dee Edaakie |
Bernie Laselute |
Jeff Shetima |
Diane Lewis |
Claudia Peina |
Maria Martinez& Popovi |
Nora Bitah |
Dee Edaakie |
Jack Black |
Cecelia Curley |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Evalena Boone |
Andrew Quam |
Melvin Sandoval |
Cecelia Dee |
Michael Kanteena |
Claudia Peina |
Loren Tsalabutie |
Vernida Polacca Nampeyo |
Wenora Joe |
Eugene Baatsoslanii Joe |
Dee Edaakie |
Diane Lewis |
Vivella Cheama |
Anita Suazo |
Dan Quam |
Esteban Najera |
Bilson Kee |
Ruben Najera |
Eddie Hannaweeke |
Jack Black |
Dee Edaakie |
Dolores Lewis |
Marie Begay |
Caroline Loretto |
Michael Coble |
Jack Black |
Cecelia Dee |
Delvin Leekya |
Diane Lewis |
Chad Quandalacey |
Travis Lasiloo |
Michael Kanteena |
Vernida Polacca Nampeyo |
Lynn Quam |
Loren Tsalabutie |
Claudia Peina |
Enrike Leekya |
Claudia Peina |
Dee Edaakie |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Dee Edaakie |
Chad Quandalacey |
Herman Tom |
Jayne Quam |
Priscilla Warren |
Bessie Littleben |
Dee Edaakie |
Marilyn Blackie |
Orlando Myerson |
Lester Johnson |
Dora Pena |
Loren Tsalabutie |
Willard Laate |
Staley Natewa |
Diane Lewis |
Dee edaakie |
Eddie Hannaweeke |
Dee Edaakie |
Melvin Sandoval |
Lynn Quam |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Diane Lewis |
Claudia Peina |
Diane Lewis |
Diane Lewis |
Lena Boone |
Lynn Quam |
Claudia Peina |
Lynn Quam |
Chad Quandalacey |
Mary E Archuleta |
Lorraine Williams |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Michael Coble |
Ricky Laahty |
Chad Quandalacey |
Andrew Quam |
Rosella Lunaee |
Claudia Peina |
Argua Ahijity |
Michael Coble |
Kenric Laiwakete |
Chad Quandalacey |
Rosella Lunaseee |
Delvin Leekya |
Dee Edaakie |
Dee Edaakie |
Lynn Quam |
Elizabeth Medina |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Vivella Cheama |
Dee Edaakie |
Debra Gasper |
Michelle Williams |
Dee Edaakie |
Claudia Peina |
Gibbs Othole |
Wilfred Cheama |
Diane Lewis |
Enrike Leekya |
Travis Lasiloo |
Eddie Hannaweeke |
Claudia Peina |
Fabian Tsethlikai |
Claudia Peina |
Diane Lewis |
Herbert Halate |
Lynn Quam |
Dee Edaakie |
Jack Black |
Daisy Natewa |
Evalena Boone |
melvin sandoval |
Daisy Natewa |
Chad Quandala |
Claudia Peina |
Loren Tsakabutue |
Eddie Hannaweeke |
Dee Edaakie |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Chad Quandalacey |
Glenda Naranjo |
Melvin Sandoval |
Melvin Sandoval |
James Joe |
Hiram Peynetsa |
Herbert Halate |
Donovan Laiwakete |
Andrew Quam |
Vernida Toya |
Linda Lucero Fragua |
Vernon Lunasee |
Andres Quandalacey |
Dee edaakie |
Andres Quandalacey |
Diane Lewis |
Larry Nathaniel |
Andrew Quam |
LynnQuam |
Eddie Hannaweeke |
Andrew Quam |
Marcella Yepa |
Daisy Natewa |
Evalena Boone |
Daisy Kee |
Jayne Quam |
Evalena Boone |
Claudia Peina |
Chad Quandalacey |
Ricky Laahty |
Chad Quandalacey |
Michael Coble |
Lewis Malie |
Nicolasa Naranjo |
Jayne Quam |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Herbert Halate |
Melvin Sandoval |
Claudia Peina |
Diane Lewis |
Travis Lasiloo |
Diane Lucero |
Diane Lewis |
Ronnie Lunasee |
Viefinia Tyler |
Melvin Sandoval |
Lynn Quam |
Robert Rivera |
Dan Quam |
Rosella Lunasee |
Lynn Quam |
Feblicia Fragua |
Fabian Cheama |
Orlando Myerson |
Lena Boone |
evalena Boone |
Chad Quandalacey |
Dorothy Herrera |
Dee Edaakie |
Lynn Quam |
orlando Myerson |
Ricky Laahty |
Travis Lasiloo |
Denise Chavarria |
Lena Boone |
Robert Rivera |
Lynn Quam |
Robert Rivera |
Dan Quam |
Abby Quam |
James Joe |
Herman Tom |
Lena Boone |
Steve Lucas |
Enrike Leekya |
Melvin Sandoval |
Chad Quandalacey |
Lynn Quam |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Jack Black |
Dan Quam |
Lance Cheama |
Rosella Lunasee |
Lawrence Namoki |
Eunice Joe |
Claudia Peina |
Lynn Quam |
Eddie Hannaweeke |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Darlene Johnson |
Robert Tenorio |
Marcella Yepa |
Brion Hattie |
Stewart Quandalacey |
Faye Quandalacey |
Diane Lewis |
Teresita Naranjo |
Michael Watchman |
Chad Quandalacey |
Harriet Tafoya |
Michael Coble |
ndra QuandalaceySa |
Lena Boone |
Caroline Loretto |
Margaret & Luther Guiterre |
Barbara & Joseph Cerno |
Felicia Fragua |
Stuart Quandalacey |
Tony McGregor |
Dan Quam |
Stuart Quandalacey |
Ronnie Lunasee |
Larry Nathaniel |
Ellen Quandalacey |
Stanton Hannaweeke |
Ronnie Lunasee |
Delvin Leekya |
Dan Quam |
Herbert Halate |
Ricky Laahty |
Eddie Hannaweeke |
Sandra Quandalacey |
Marcella Yepa |
Geri Naranjo |
Enrike Leekya |
Chad Quandalacey |
Lorraine Williams |
Dan Quam |
Brion Hattie |
Harriet Tafoya |
Dee Edaakie |
Dee Edaakie |
Robert Patricio |
Lance Cheama |
Dee Edaakie |
Dan Quam |
Robert Patricio |
Sue Williams |
Stuart Quandalacey |
Michael CobleShar |
Bremette Epaloose |
Wilfred Cheama |
Wilfred Cheama |
Andy Abeita |
Herbert Him |
Vernon Lunasee |
Robert Patricio |
Lawrence Namoki |
Monica Naranjo |
Robert Tenorio |
Rose Pecos |
Sammy Myerson |
Dan Quam |
Dan Quam |
Staley Natewa |
Lance Cheama |
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