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Penfield Gallery

Florentino Martinez 


Florentino Martinez | Zuni Fetish Carver | Penfield Gallery of Indian Arts | Albuquerque | New Mexico Florentino Martinez is an accomplished Zuni carver who often uses fossilized ivory or amber to carve bugs and insects. Florentino's first carvings in the early 1990s were simple, however, by 1996 his fetishes became very intricate, precise and detailed. Florentino carves more complex fetish art forms, including fetish animals and the Kolowisi or Zuni Water Serpent. Florentino's cousins, including Esteban Najera and Lewis Malie, are also fine Zuni carvers.

Florintino Martinez | Zuni DragonFly Fetish | Penfield Gallery of Indian Arts | Albuquerque, New Mexico


Elrich Martinez | Zuni Shalako Fetish | Penfield Gallery of Indian Arts | Albuquerque, New Mexico



Florentino Martinez | Zuni Insect | Penfield Gallery of Indian Arts | Albuquerque, New Mexico



Florentino Martinez | Zuni Fetish of Dragon Fly | Penfield Gallery of Indian Arts | Albuquerque, New Mexico




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2113 Church St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104 | (505) 242-9696 | (877) 242-9696 |
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